Friday, February 22, 2013

Fangirl Fridays: Pitch Perfect

We are not ashamed to admit that Pitch Perfect-- the outrageously funny, aca-awesome flick about college a capella groups-- was one of our favorite movies from 2012. Maybe it's because we were in choir and miss four-part harmonies (no one else? just us? okay then, moving on). Maybe it's because we miss our college glory days. Or, maybe it's because this movie is a constant laugh-fest from beginning to end. Whatever the reason, WE LOVE THIS MOVIE. We refer you to the trailer:

Still don't believe us that Pitch Perfect is worth your time? Here are four reasons why you should change your mind:

Skylar Astin as Jesse Oh, Skylar Astin, how we love you. If only we met a guy like Jesse when we were in college. (To be honest, we're not quite sure they actually exist, but that's a whole blog in and of itself.) Trust us, reader, you will fall for him the moment you see him jamming out on air guitar (which is an awesome way for a character to be introduced, by the way). Some girls may go for the brooding, mysterious type, but give us an adorkable guy who can sing. How did Anna Kendrick's character not fall in love with him immediately?!?!?! Becca had to have a will of steel. Or she was incredibly stupid for the majority of the movie. We're leaning towards the second option.

Fat Amy
We have two words for you: Fat. Amy. That is a character the movie gods thankfully decided to bestow upon us. We've loved Rebel Wilson since Bridesmaids, but this movie takes her to an entirely new level. Just watch this. Fortunately, the Belles had the pleasure of seeing this movie together, and Fat Amy brought us to tears.

La Musica
If you like to sing along with your movies, then this is the movie for you. From the beginning-- when they cover Wilson Phillips-- to the end-- hello, Bruno Mars!--Pitch Perfect is chock-full of stupendous jams that we know you, a.) blast in your car, b.) sing in the shower, c.) belt when you've had a few too many at the bar, or d.) all of the above. These are songs we love... and they've been made better by the magic of a capella. I mean, how could you resist singing along?

The Quotable Pitch Perfect
We thank Pitch Perfect for bringing words and phrases like "toner," "lady jam," and "mermaid dancing" into our lives. As we've mentioned, basically everything Fat Amy says is a riot. But, that's not to say other characters don't have their moments. We don't want to spoil any of the really, really good lines for you... but they occur about every three minutes in the film, so you will have plenty to soak up and enjoy when you watch it.

In conclusion, do yourself a favor and watch Pitch Perfect. You'll thank us later.

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