Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Golden Globes Roundup, Part III: The Gentlemen

The ladies have had their time in the spotlight, now it’s time to look at the gentlemen.  A disclaimer: We find men with accents extremely attractive, and thus will probably talk about them a lot on this blog.  But enough with the chit chat, let’s get this roundup started.  Hit it, boys. 


 Leonardo DiCaprio
  • The man knows how to dress... and our hearts sink like the Titanic when, yet again, critics don't shower him with the laurels a god such as he deserves.  They say that being nominated is the real honor.  Whatever.  Everyone wants a trophy, even Leonardo DiCaprio.  He’s always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Benedict Cumberbatch
  • We’d be sleuthy with him any night.  Sherlock may be a miniseries, but you just wait until the new Star Trek movie comes out.  There will be an entire blog post dedicated solely to this gloriously named man.

          Honorable Mentions:

Ewan McGregor's Hair
  • This needs no explanation.  Just sit back and enjoy the majestic view.

Christoph Waltz's glasses
  • How do you say, "Hey, good lookin'" in German?


Christian Bale
  • We love you, but get a haircut. If he doesn't get that hair under control, Bruce Wayne will start looking like his trashy cousin who does a public access television show with a sidekick named Garth. We trust that Alfred won't let that happen.

Tommy Lee Jones's Attitude
  • The first person to get Tommy Lee Jones to smile should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  He is not amused. Why so serious?


Tim Burton
  • Our favorite kook.  We only wish he owned a brush.

Al Roker
  • Al, the 1950s called and they want that jacket back. He has lost so much weight that his meanness can no longer hide behind his folds of fat.  We watched his coverage of the red carpet for all of five seconds, but he provided us with a week’s worth of awkwardness.  Stick to the morning shows, Al.

Well, that's a wrap on our coverage of The Golden Globes.  In parting, we’re going to leave you with this picture of Damian Lewis doing Gangnam Style at an after party:

1 comment:

  1. Did anyone else mistakenly think Christian Bale was the Ralph Lauren model (
    It's not Christian Bale. MIND=BLOWN.
